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There are three levels of membership in PSEARES; Level I is auxiliary; Level II is an ARO; Level III is a leader. In order to be a level I member of PSEARES, the individual must have an FCC Amateur Radio License of Technician or higher, and request to be a member.
The requirements to be a level II member of PSEARES and therefore an ARO are:
1. FCC Amateur Radio Technician Class License (free 2-day Preparation Class and test available on PSE time if approved by department management)
2. 2-day PSEARES Emergency Communicator course available on PSE time if approved by department management.
3. FEMA ICS 100, 200, 700 and 800 free on-line courses taken on individuals time unless approved by department’s management
4. Introduction to PSE Emergency Response ¼ hour course available in PALMS on PSE time.
5. Participation in two exercises per year (Can be PSE quarterly exercise, Washington State Simulated Emergency Training, ARES 5th Saturday exercise or any other approved scheduled exercise.
1. Annual PSEARES Meeting of 5 hours on PSE time with supervisor’s approval.
2. Training meetings for PSEARES as needed of various lengths.
3. Fifteen minute PSEARES Weekly net held on the W7PSE linked repeater system.
4. Participation in communications support for community events such as parades, marathons, races, fairs, etc.
PSE sponsors PSEARES under the umbrella of the Safety, Prevention, and Emergency Management Department at PSE. PSE supports PSEARES by allowing the W7PSE linked repeater system to be located on PSE owned radio sites throughout Washington State and by providing select radio equipment to be utilized by PSEARES. If business conditions allow as determined by the management of the department, PSE will allow employees to attend select required training and exercises to be a member of PSEARES and be assigned as an Amateur Radio Operator. If management determines that the business unit cannot support the loss of employees, it is the responsibility of the individual to obtain the training and participate in the exercises to be a member of PSEARES and/or an ARO on their own time.
If you are interested in joining the PSE ARES group, please fill out the form below.
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